MEX CDMX MexicoCity 2019MAR28 MercadoSonora 001  The   Mercado de Sonora   ( Sonora Market ) is a city-established traditional market, located just southeast of the historic centre of Mexico City in the Colonia Merced Balbuena neighbourhood. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Americas, Central, Day, March, Mercado de Sonora, Mexico, Mexico City, Month, North America, Thursday, Year  MEX CDMX MexicoCity 2019MAR28 MercadoSonora 002 : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Americas, Central, Day, March, Mercado de Sonora, Mexico, Mexico City, Month, North America, Thursday, Year  MEX CDMX MexicoCity 2019MAR28 MercadoSonora 003  The market was established in the 1950's with a number of other similar institutions in order to help regulate retail commerce in the city and what makes this market both unique and famous, is all the aisles of vendors dedicated to herbal medicines and items related to witchcraft, magic and/or the occult - interesting to say the least, but a heap of fun to explore none the less. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Americas, Central, Day, March, Mercado de Sonora, Mexico, Mexico City, Month, North America, Thursday, Year  MEX CDMX MexicoCity 2019MAR28 MercadoSonora 004 : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Americas, Central, Day, March, Mercado de Sonora, Mexico, Mexico City, Month, North America, Thursday, Year  MEX CDMX MexicoCity 2019MAR28 MercadoSonora 005  At the recommendation of our guide, it was not recommended to take any kind of photos inside the market as apparently the vendors get a bit   stroppy   over such activities, hence only taking photo from the outside. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Americas, Central, Day, March, Mercado de Sonora, Mexico, Mexico City, Month, North America, Thursday, Year